We’re happy to have gotten so many contributions. Thank you!
Presentation time slots (15 – 20 min) are all filled now. We’re looking forward to see you soon.
Short presentations 3 – 5 min (equal to poster content) may still be submitted until a week before the respective online session. If you’re interested, please write an email with your topic of choice to biocarboncapture(at)boku.ac.at .
We particularly encourage early stage researchers and projects that are in in their start phase.
If you just want to participate and be part of all the great contributions, you can do so by writing an informal email to registration.biocarboncapture(at)boku.ac.at
Enzymatic carbon capture (April 20th 2021)
Keynote: Dr. Günther Bochmann (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | BOKU)
Microbial acetate production from CO2 (April 27th 2021)
Keynote: Prof. Volker Müller (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main)
Microbial electrosynthesis and solvent production from CO2 (May 4th 2021)
Keynote: Ass. Prof. Sebastià Puig (Universitat de Girona | UDG)
Microbial methane production from CO2 (May 11th 2021)
Keynote: Dr. Simon Rittmann (University of Vienna | UniWien)
Microbial consortium analysis (May 18th 2021)
Keynote: Prof. Irini Angelidaki (Technical University of Denmark | DTU)
Process engineering and modelling (May 25th 2021)
Keynote: Ass. Prof. Michael Harasek (Technical University Vienna | TU Wien)
Life cycle assessment (June 1st 2021)
Keynote: Ass. Prof. Joana Portugal Pereira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ)
We’re really happy to announce, that a collection of notable contributions will be published by Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology! If you’re interested in publishing, please follow the authors guidelines within your contribution. Publishing date will be latest in October. We’re excited to see great output!

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